Student Exchange 2019
The exchange started on Saturday evening January 12 th , when the bus with the Dutch students came to our school. We were all so excited to meet our new friends, some of us had even made banners! And then, the fun started. On our day off – we went bowling, played lasergames, walked around the city, went skiing. We had, and I think I speak for all of us, an awesome time. We spent a big part of the day outside, in smaller or bigger groups, having fun, talking, and getting to know one another.
The Dutch students also experienced a few Czech classes, and they went alpine skiing too. On Tuesday social evening, we learned some stuff about the Netherlands, and had a lot of fun. Dutch karaoke was terrible, because of our singing in Dutch, but it was so funny. We also danced, played quizzes, ate Czech snack, etc. Afterwards, we enjoyed our last night together. And Wednesday morning – it was just full of emotions. We were all sad, but on the other hand happy, that we had the opportunity to be part of this exchange. We shared our experiences, impressions, funny stories. And then, it was time to say goodbye. See you soon in Amersfoort!
Jan Kubáček, septima