English language


If you want to know more, you can visit website FutureLearn – free online courses from top universities and specialist organisations

You must be at least 13 years old to create a profile on FutureLearn.


Links – Maturita

Official website – maturita

Written exam part – basic information

State maturita exam


Maturita practice online:

(Word formation, Multiple choice cloze, Open cloze, Keyword transformation, Gapped sentences)


Various tests in English

(register if you want to get the results via email)



Do you

want to know more ?

want to broaden your horizons ?

want to improve your grammar ?

want to expand your vocabulary ?

want to spend more time with English?

want to study more about English speaking countries ?


Materials for anybody

Click on the following links and practice. You can explore more on the website if you want.

Past tenses, English tenses; Present Perfect vs. Past Simple

Intermediate tenses 1; Intermediate tenses 2

Intermediate grammar test 1; Intermediate grammar test 2; Intermediate grammar test 3; Intermediate grammar test 4

Passive voice 1, Passive voice 2,

Upper-Intermediate level

Useful links

various tests – 1; 2

vocabulary – 1

listening – 1; 2


Here you go…

Magazine Bridge – online


Učebnice a www stránky:

– students can use the following websites to improve their English, practice their skills and knowledge 


Messages 2 – 3 (prima – kvarta)

– find useful links and practice


Maturita Solutions 2nd edition (kvinta-oktáva)

– find extra activities to practise your knowledge


Useful links:

British Council – Learn English

English for everybody


Online tests

Thousands of newspapers online

Magazine TIME online

English games online